Sunday, December 12, 2010

Review: Hallmark Recordable Story Book

I was excited to learn that I was getting a Hallmark Recordable Story Book to review. I have 10 neices and nephews, whom I do not get to see very often, so this would be a great gift for some of them.
The Hallmark book Twas the Night Before Christmas arrived last week in the mail.
The instructions to record are very straight forward and easy to follow.

There is also a section of Tips, to help with the recording.

Recording the book is so easy that a 10 yr old can do it. I know, as my nephew really wanted to try recording a page, so I watched him record one of the pages.
Now, the kids think the book is just wonderful! My 16 mo. old nephew was having a good time turning pages and listening to the story. Even my 10 yr old nephew was having fun (and giving me constructive criticism on my reading).

I also have one of the Hallmark Recordable Books up at my parents's house. I was having mom and dad record a book for my kids. I asked dad about recording the book, and he played back a page for me.....oh boy, was it funny. He said that the final recorded book will sound just fine. I said that I liked it how it was..... Dad said the Hallmark Recordable Storybook is so easy to record and rerecord. Mom thinks dad was having just a little too much fun with the storybook.
Hallmark currently has 15 different Recordable Storybooks available.

I was chosen to receive a free Hallmark Recordable Book to test and review. Thank you Gather. The fact that I received this Book to review has no bearing on my review. I give an honest review.  You can read more about this Hallmark promotion by clicking on the following link:  Product Reviewers Needed for Hallmark Holiday Recordable Ornaments & Storybooks!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, this sounds so cool! I would love to have one to send to my nephew.
