Friday, January 18, 2013

What Are We Celebrating Today.....

Angela had to be at school at 6:45 am and was not happy about it. This week is's earlier this year than last year. The kids have to practice marching and drilling to make sure they're ready for Thursday. I'm helping with the luncheon and will hopefully get a few photos.

So...what are we celebrating today....

1). National Popcorn Day: Yum!!! I will have to celebrate this one. Strangely, National Popcorn Day is in January, yet National Popcorn Month is October. According to tradition, it is celebrated on January 19th each year, and there is some suggestion that Popcorn Day may, at one point, have been tied to the Superbowl. Make a bowl (with LOTS of butter) today!

2). Tin Can Day: This holiday celebrates the birth of the tin can. According to Wikipedia, The tin can was patented in 1810 by British merchant Peter Durand, based on experimental food preservation work in glass containers by the French inventor Nicholas Appert the year before. Durand did not pursue food canning himself, but, in 1812, sold his patent to two Englishmen, Bryan Donkin and John Hall, who set up a commercial canning factory, and by 1813 were producing their first canned goods for the British Army.

It's a light holiday day, and celebrating these should be easy. My family thinks popcorn is lunch or dinner. If you do find something else to celebrate, just post it below. Have a great Saturday!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What are we celebrating today???

It's the third day of rain and Lily is driving me bonkers! She really needs to go outside for a LONG while. I know she doesn't mind the rain, but I don't want a wet dog.
I wanted to let people know that Connie C. is alright, but she can't seem to get on Gather. It's been about 5 days now. She's going to try again today....and she has already emailed Chuck. Connie will be back on as soon as she get on.
So...what are we celebrating today....
1). National Nothing Day: Hey, I like this one! Celebrate this day by doing....nothing. Of course, that assumes that doing nothing is okay with your boss. This day is an "un-event" proposed in 1972 by columnist Harold Pullman Coffin and observed annually on January 16 since 1973, when it was added to Chase's Calendar of Events.
2). Appreciate a Dragon Day: Appreciate a Dragon Day was started in 2004 by Mrs. Paul to celebrate the release of DragonSpell. Dragons as the subject of myths, fantasies and legends have captured the imaginations and have lured many interested but hesitant readers into the stories. Thus this holiday now serves as a venue to call to the adventurous spirits of both adults and children and to lead them into the world of literature. I think I'll have to get out my dragon record and play
3). National Fig Newton Day: The Fig Newton was named after the town of Newton, Massachusetts. According to Nabisco, the cookie was invented in 1891 by a Philadelphian, James Henry Mitchell, who created the duplex dough-sheeting machines and funnels that made the jam-filled cookies possible. He thought of the soft dough with fruit filling as cookie “pies.” Have a couple of Fig Newtons today....
Fig Newtons fig-newton.gif photo
4). Religious Freedom Day: Today is Religious Freedom Day — a day to celebrate the adoption of Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom. Why celebrate it? We might start by remembering a history of religious discrimination and persecution. Now we have (supposedly) separation of church and state.
5). International Hot and Spicy Food Day: Archaeological evidence suggests that people have been using hot spices in their recipes for over 6000 years. Eating spicy food actually has excellent health benefits, and some spices kill bacteria too, making food safer to consume in general. Celebrate this holiday by adding some spice to your food....or some hot peppers. Maybe I'll make some spicy venison and beef chili today.
If you find something else just add it below. I always love the different food holidays I find. Maybe I should start listing those a few days ahead, so all of us can have the right foods on hand. LOL

Monday, January 7, 2013

Book Review: Prayer Never Fails: Especially Druing Trials

From the book description: Author Berney K. Dorton has written Prayer Never Fails Especially During Trials to emphasize the spiritual strength and fortitude required to pray consistently - even in the face of considerable adversity. She vividly describes the tragic loss of her love ones, and how she cared for her sick child while addressing personal health issues and Berney's faith and fervent prayers helped her cope with the ordeal. The heart-wrenching story reminds us how precious life is and how quickly tragic events can transpire to change it. This book heightens people's awareness of the value of prayer and its infinite possibilities. Berney highlights prayer as the safe haven that she can always rely on and through faith, she is able to serve an invisible God who may not be perceptible by vision or understood by intellect, but who nonetheless guides us with His spirit through trials. Outside conflict and inside fears; represent trouble. Berney, has experienced both, but she faced the trials by prevailing in prayer.

This review was very difficult to write. I had a very tough time getting in to this book, and though it wasn't that long, it just wasn't for me. The first few chapters were a little choppy and just not my style. The stories told in the book are true, but for some reason I never felt emotionally involved in the book (if that makes sense).

I do believe the message is a good one, and I'm sure others may get more out of it than I did. The book does try and teach one how and when to pray....and Berney does seem to be one that can be constantly in prayer or "pray without ceasing". I do agree that we all need prayer and a close relationship with our Lord.

If one does not have at least some relationship with God, then I don't think you'd enjoy this at all. It is a Christian book and uses scripture to help teach prayer. If you are struggling with your faith and prayer, then this book may help and be of value.


Prayer Never Fails: Especially During Trials is available for $13.99.

You can purchase this book at your local bookstore or online at: Amazon or Barnes and Noble

  • Paperback: 182 pages
  • Publisher: Wasteland Press (February 28, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1600475345
  • ISBN-13: 978-1600475344

I received a free copy of the book from Christian Women's Affiliates, in exchange for a review. The views are entirely my own.